TPX Gold is now live on

TPX Gold is now live on!

This means you can now buy gold with Bitcoin (BTC) or Ethereum (ETH)! and carry any amount of gold with you in your smartphone anywhere you go! However as with any other exchanges you are advised to withdraw it once you have bought it.

One unit of TPX is physically backed by one gram of gold that is kept in the vault at Brink’s Singapore, simply put 1 TPX = 1 gram of gold. Hence the price of TPX is expected to be relatively stable than any other non-asset backed cryptos.

If the price of TPX goes lower than the price of commodity gold in the short term it will reach a point where the market or the company will buy it back as it represents immediate profit on the gold itself.

If in the event the price of TPX surges higher than commodity gold in the short term due to high demand it is expected to stabilise close to the total value of physical gold in collateral, unless the market deems the price of convenience is worth the extra.

The best part is, you can buy and sell TPX with fiat money now in the UK, Canada and some MiddleEast countries! So imagine buying TPX Gold with Dinar in the MiddleEast, carry it safely with you in your smartphone to Canada and sell the gold there for Canadian Dollars!

Ok, to be honest, you don’t even have to carry TPX with you if you are sending that gold to someone or into your own bank account in say, the UK! You can just buy TPX gold with bank transfer in Canada and sell it in the UK and receive GBP in your accounts. Yes, all can be done from the comfort of your own home!

TPX spots currently operate in the UK, Canada and MiddleEast. More regions and countries will be opened up soon. The advantage of TPX is what it’s tagline clearly says
“Free Flow of Money & Assets”.

TPX. Free Your Money.

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29 Jun 2020