今天的新闻,你有什么看法?欢迎留言。 ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ 【1天1分钟,币圈基本功】是BOKchain为忙碌的你而精心制作的比特币相关新闻。作为一位投资家/交易员/技术员/开发商,【BOKchain谈情说币】绝对是你不容错过的频道。我是一名来自马来西亚的女生,自2012年与比特币邂逅就结下了一段不解之缘。秉持着区块链技术的去中心化思想,在这个无国界的空间里,我希望透过这个频道能够认识到世界某个角落,对区块链拥有共识的你。同时让更多人(尤其是非技术圈子)抱着正面的态度一起来探讨一切有关区块链、比特币、加密货币… 等金融科技课题。 订阅BOKChain 的频道,第一时间通知你最新赚币情报 ◀️◀️◀️ ‣‣ http://bit.ly/36d5WM3 ❤❤ 爱的鼓励 Support BOKchain, Support Blockchain! 我是BOKchain,一位对区块链技术特别感兴趣的女生。这些年来我一直很努力学习,想方设法为这个生态贡献价值。希望得到你的行动支持: Facebook/YouTube: 点赞、分享、订阅 ^_^ ❤❤ Bitcoin receiving address: 1QK2woaU39PsQNhtyCpRGAUL9ErgcV3NdQ
Good morning friends. Saturday morning everyone is still sleeping and I feel like typing. I get different news letters from different news channels and thought […]
Forward from BOKchain : Bitcoin price: $3K: Scam$4K: Scam$5K: Scam$6K: Scam$7K: Meh$8K: Meh$9K: Meh$10K: Meh$11K: Meh$12K: “Moving”$13K: Hm$14K: Hm$15K: Hm$16K: Maybe$17K: Maybe$18K: Wow$19K: WOW$20K: Google: […]
Forward from BOKchain: Purchasing power of $100: 1913: $100 (The Fed was created)1923: $57.891933: $76.151943: $57.231953: $37.081963: $32.351973: $22.301983: $9.941993: $6.852003: $5.382013: $4.252019: $3.87 If […]
Forward from : Robert Vong This month, the EU announced it would accelerate the pace of regulation on crypto assets and virtual currencies. The global […]
Here’s some mathematics. Forward from BOKChain: Can someone pls correct on my calculation below? Simple math. If one day Newton becomes Alibaba, does it mean […]
The danger of double spending. Blanc 白 区块链面临的最大问题,双花!到底是什么呢? 比特币与区块链的关系! 快速了解币圈快讯小焰快报简单粗暴! #小焰快报
We were in Iceland together. Forward from :Damon Smedley Not sure why I felt this was something I needed to share, but based on what […]