JPMorgan market cap: $349 billionBitcoin market cap: $350 billion Checkmate, Jamie Dimon. Checkmate.Onwards and upwards for Bitcoin
Paypal bought up to 70% of all the newly mined bitcoin since the payments giant started offering cryptocurrency services four weeks ago. Now that’s according […]
Roberto Capodieci – The founder of Blockchainzoo
Forward from : 有求币应 – Bitcoin攻略 银行说“你给我你的比特币,我给你我的债券“ 这些债券可以在马来西亚受监管的Fusang交易所上交易。 这部戏,越来越精彩了! China Construction Bank, one of the “big four” banks in China, is selling $3 billion in bonds […]
Use this link to register for the AMA (Ask Me Anything) session with Barton Johnston and Roberto Capodieci on INO (Initial Node Offering) and PoP (Proof […]
ZooBC allows many account formats. One of those formats accommodates eID cards. What implications are there allowing an eID card to be used to sign […]
MeshBox NFT + DeFi Launch Imminent MeshBox and SmartMesh are poised to launch a new business model which will be a boon for investors and […]