Most people still think they could afford to ignore news articles like this one. Good luck then. Final Block Mined Before Halving Contained Reminder of […]
Good morning friends. Saturday morning everyone is still sleeping and I feel like typing. I get different news letters from different news channels and thought […]
马中总商会线上讲座(九)区块链 大揭秘! 日期:2020年5月10日(星期日)时间:早上11时 🎯区块链 大揭秘!你无法不理的趋势你不可不知的真相未來已來 席捲全球!疫情会让进度放缓还是加速变化? 主讲人: 🔖马来西亚区块链协会会长拿督王文龙🔖世界区块链基金会创始人/永久主席李威声🔖马来西亚区块链协会副会长陈际盛 主持人: 🔖雪兰莪资讯科技与电子商务理事会(SITEC)总监和MyStartr创意项目群众资平台创办人吴文彬。
Voting on blockchain!Now we review our projects on GitHub and vote on the NewChain via NewPay wallet.Since identity is verified with NewID/Wallet address and I am […]
明天上午11點正由馬中總商會舉辦『區塊鏈 大揭密』線上講座! 日期: 2020年5月10日 时间: 11am Webinar ID: 892-2843-8458Password: 123456
Everyone has fear. Some are fearful of heights. Some of water. Whilst some are fearful of the dark. Ultimately, we fear that of which we […]
Forward from Blockchain Zoo: In this episode of Blockchain Beyond Hype, we interview Arjuna Sky Kok, Founder and CEO of PT. Langit Biru Arjuna. We […]
Blockstream’s updated protocol for their satellite service makes it possible to download a full node without an internet connection. Blockstream has just upgraded their satellite […]
不论疫情有没有好转,不管你生意或工作如何,唯一肯定的是房贷还是必须供!但问题是该怎么供才是最划算的? 就在今晚八点半,让专家解剖房贷的秘密,让你以最低成本早日解脱! #Proppy #MortgageOptimisation\