Yes, Bitcoin risky but scams no one.Banks seemingly secure but scams clients. Wells Fargo Says Bitcoin Too Risky for Clients, Pays $575 Million Fine For […]
There are four types of people in this world: 1. Those who wouldn’t get involved whether the price is up or down. Interestingly enough these […]
Finally, one of the earliest blockchain project to utilize the DAG technology to the fullest to serve the IOT industry is launching its main net! […]
Yes This is what it’s about. Why Bitcoin Matters for Freedom In the border city of Cúcuta, Venezuelan refugees stream into Colombia, searching for food […]
生蛋节的彩蛋 牛顿有问必答之问鼎牛顿 ——比特币大使李威声对话牛顿社群 本次活动时间:2018-12-24 20:00 嘉宾:李威声Lee Willson 嘉宾介绍: -区块链早期布道者 -世界区块链基金会创始人, 该基金会荣获2017年BrandLaureate世界卓越品牌奖。 -2004年,代表海外华裔青年企业家在北京人民大会堂与国家领导对话。 -全球唯一和华尔街传奇罗杰斯同台演说的投资家。 -自2014年首个以比特币为主题,环游世界的并拍成纪录片的旅行家(Bitcoin World Tour)。 -他还受邀在世界各地的高峰论坛上发表演讲,并开启了娱乐性十足的“Bitcoinomics”脱口秀。 -BlockchainZoo联合创始人。 -中国区块链监管沙盒顾问。 -李威声被高度认可为世界级的加密资产和区块链发言人,因此也被广称为:区块链大使。 如下是李威声先生问答的全部内容: 李威声:Crypto bells crypto bells […]
生蛋節前夕加密財富風暴前的平安夜在線與大家「雷」鋒十問。當然,我也不知道是問什麼,只好兵來將擋 水來土掩了!
There you go. From Jason Cassidy: At this point most major governments and corporations have either adopted cryptocurrency via blockchain to some extent or are […]
Merry Cryptsmas everyone! Crypto bells crypto bells crypto all the wayOh what fun it is to ride in a crypto open market…Merry Cryptsmas! #MerryCryptsmas Bloomberg: […]
I never celebratedWhen crude oil prices are downWhen stock markets tumbledWhen property prices are stagnantWhen gold prices are falling…But I don’t know whyWhen bitcoin price […]
I have always maintained that “Stablecoin” is a myth, a wannabe but never-will-be crossbreed between crypto and fiat. First of all how do you define […]