Wow, how times have changed! I now missed the days when being looked upon as a daydreamer, being vilified as a scammer with the odds […]
Forward from BlockchainZoo: In this episode of Throw Back Tuesday, we look back at why Proof-of-Work is not the ultimate solution. Roberto Capodieci, founder and […]
Proof of Work has paved the way to arrive at a decentralized consensus but with its limitations of giving power to the most resourceful. There […]
Forward from : Robert Vong This month, the EU announced it would accelerate the pace of regulation on crypto assets and virtual currencies. The global […]
Forward from Blockchain Zoo : What are the challenges and potential solutions to blockchain scalability?Here is how our CTO and co-founder, Barton Johnston, answered this […]
Actions beyond words changes the world. When some scammer did the first Bitcoin World Tour since 2014 and gave out bitcoins in exchange for equivalent […]
Speechless.Never thought I’d see the day so soon.#BitcoinAccepted
Yes, you’ve gotta do it fro top down with the ultimate goals in mind, but definitely not bottom up and make do along the way.Insight […]