Anyone who can read Japanese? Click here to read the original article : 【伊藤対談】ビットコインの先駆者リーウィルソン氏単独インタビュー!
No big deal.I know of many speakers or panelists at blockchain events who doesn’t own bitcoin or any other cryptos.Once gaining enough popularity after speaking […]
You’ll love this mantra.
Bitcoin World Tour returns to Vietnam after almost three years! The Ambassador visits Saigon almost three years after his first. Meeting some old friends and […]
Governments and banks…How real is your “money”?
I will be sharing the secrets of successful projects with the crowd. Who’s coming? #CryptoMondaysParis
In London tube.How times have changed.More coming? You bet. #bitcoin #blockchain #cryptos
Same thingI told people about Bitcoin and EthereumNo one gives (gave?) a fuckAnd now every man and his dog is trying to do an ICO. […]
Interview by Coin-Otaku, one of the most influential media and professional organizations in Japan. I can’t read Japanese, so hopefully they don’t write something embarrassing […]