A very good read indeed, if you have time and patience. Highly recommended to see it from another perspective. Visions of a Techno-Leviathan: The […]
The “DAO” is a stake you can hold to participate in projects on the Ethereum blockchain. With it you can vote and invest and expect […]
Largest bank in Russia joining the game Blockchain technology is simply unstoppable! Russia’s Largest Bank Adopts Blockchain, Develops App for Conversational Commerce In the […]
Don’t ever say we’ve never warned you before! Look what it has achieved until today. Could the DAO be the next big thing? Well, only […]
If you think robots will only take over blue collar jobs You are going to be shocked Most of us are no more cleverer than […]
For those who still think Bitcoin is a scam For those who still feel Bitcoin is for criminals 80% of the internet is for porn […]
Does it really matter who is Satoshi Nakamoto? No, it doesn’t. But all thanks to Craig Wright the publicity for bitcoin is unprecedented worldwide. Malaysians, […]