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银行说“你给我你的比特币,我给你我的债券“ 这些债券可以在马来西亚受监管的Fusang交易所上交易。
China Construction Bank, one of the “big four” banks in China, is selling $3 billion in bonds that can be paid for with bitcoin. The bonds will be listed on a regulated Malaysian digital asset exchange.
Major Chinese Bank Selling Bonds Worth $3 Billion for Bitcoin
China Construction Bank, one of the “big four” banks in China, is selling $3 billion in bonds that can be paid for with bitcoin. The bonds will be listed on a regulated Malaysian digital asset exchange.
Beijing-based China Construction Bank (CCB) is selling $3 billion in bonds for bitcoin and U.S. dollars through its unit in Malaysia, the South China Morning Post reported Wednesday. This is the first digital security issued by a Chinese bank on a blockchain, the publication added, noting:……
Click here to read more : Major Chinese Bank Selling Bonds Worth $3 Billion for Bitcoin