比特币小知识 – 3

美国《纽约时报》网站曾刊登史上第一枚比特币婚戒—可随身携带的QR条码, 而最近 来自美国的一对新婚夫妇正准备将他们的书面誓言记录在比特币区块链当中, 这项技术能让这对新人以一种可恢复和不朽的方式获得和储存这份意义非凡的书面誓言。


CCN reported on the first ever Bitcoin wedding ring, which exists in the form of a wearable QR code, and now, one couple plans to become the first to use the Bitcoin block chain itself to register their marriage, where it will remain publicly visible for the life of the internet.

“We believe that like the block chain, our love and marriage are forever and that our relationship is not defined by governments or the church,”the groom, David Mondrus said.

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