Having a hard time choosing a movie to watch? We are here to help 😉The documentary film ‘The Rise and Rise of Bitcoin’ is definitely an entertaining yet informative choice perfect for you!
Movie Info: A computer programmer becomes fascinated with the digital currency Bitcoin, and through his involvement in the Bitcoin community, we learn about the impending global impact of this amazing new technology.
拿不定主意该看哪部电影? 我们有个好推荐哦 😉 记录片《比特币的崛起》这部有趣的电影绝对是您的不二选择📺
纪录片内容: 一名电脑程序员对加密货币产生极大的迷恋, 随着他探索比特币的过程, 我们将与主人翁一起穿越Bitcoin迅速增长的世界, 研究这个加密货币未来对社会和政治所带来的影响~